A cég képzési- és állásajánlatairól további információt itt találsz: develops and manufactures engines for AUDI AG and other companies of the Volkswagen Group.

Here you will find information about models and technologies. In 2018, this saved around 27 gigawatt-hours, which is equivalent to the energy usage of around 13,000 households or 12,900 tons of CO₂. For example, heat is supplied at Audi Hungaria using around 70 percent carbon-neutral geothermal energy. Német nyelvtudását nem csak a felvételi folyamat során kellett bizonyítania, hanem azóta is minden nap használja az elméleti órák és a vállalati kommunikáció során. Inspiring content, interesting backgrounds and fascinating moments – digital, individual and authentic. At the Hungarian plant in Győr, AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. Experience our vision of mobility and let yourself be inspired. Discover Audi as a brand, company and employer on our international website. In doing so, the company takes many different factors into consideration – for example, the transformation of the workplace, the need to balance family life and careers, the desire for lifelong learning, and occupational health and safety. Audi takes responsibility for its employees and for society as a whole. 1993-ban alapították meg 100 millió euró törzstőkével. In June 2013, the company also started series production of the Audi A3 Sedan, followed by the new A3 Cabriolet in October. Career Development Coordinator (with higher education experience) Our client is a Vienna-based international university. On behalf of them, we are looking for a Career Development Coordinator - with higher education experience.The centre is in an easy-to-reach location in Vienna. Katalin az AUDI Hungaria által indított német nyelvű ipari és kereskedelmi ügyintéző OKJ képzés hallgatója. Our focus is first and foremost on people. These two Audi models were the first to be built in full at the site in Hungary. a német Audi AG 100%-os magyarországi leányvállalata, a világ legnagyobb motorgyára. Az Audi Hungaria Zrt. Production Sites. A vállalat irányítását 5 igazgatósági tag, a felügyelőbizottság és a közgyűlés látja el.