The Arabic text of the adhan is similar for all five recitations (with a slight difference in the adhan recited for the pre-dawn prayer, which adds the line “Prayer is better than sleep”). Die linguistische Wurzel ist ʾadhina أَذِنَ und bedeutet so viel wie zuhören oder informiert sein. Adhan and Iqamah . Some people say this once, others say this twice.

Learn about Shia Adhan ( Azan ),The Adhan is the Islamic call to prayer. If you follow the Maliki school, pause between the verses of the Iqama, which slows down your prayer This is an indication that the Imam has taken his place facing towards the Ka‘bah and is ready to begin the Prayer. Hence, anyone who hears the Adhan should repeat the same, phrase by phrase, after the Mu’adhdhin has recited them but when the Mu’adhdhin says the words Hayya ‘alas-Salah and Hayya ‘alal-Falah, the person hearing the Adhan should say La haula wala quwwata illa billa-hil ‘aliyyul ‘Azim which means: There is neither might nor any power except with Allah. But how many of us know the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad on what he say in supplication after hearing the adhan? the prayers has certainly been established) must be added two times. Combining the above three narrations, we learn that one should reply to the adhan when the adhan is taking place, after which he should send salutaions upon the messenger and then recite the Dua. He replied, "This if for your ummah's Muazzin (one who says the Azaan) and Imams." Iqamah. The arabic dua after adhan with an english transalation mentioned in a hadeeth from Sahih al-Bukhari. He should place his fingers in his ears, and to turn to the right and to the left when reciting: “Come to the prayer. He said, "Oh Gabrial, who is this for?" Lower your voice into a rhythmic, chanting tone. Its compelling sound is amplified by the skill of the person who recites it: the more melodious and clear the voice, the more powerful the adhan is. The Iqama or Iqamah (Arabic: إِقَامَة ‎, ʾIqāmah) is the second call to Islamic Prayer, given immediately before the prayer begins. The Iqamah is a shorter version of the Adhan.Other differences between the Adhan and the Iqamah are as follows:. 4x الله اكبر Allah u Akbar God is The Greatest .

The root of the word is adhina meaning "to listen, to …

While the Athan is called loudly, the iqama is a quiet call to prayer. In Iqamah, Allahu Akbar is reduced in the beginning to twice, and at the end, La ilaha illal lah to once, and after Hayya 'ala Khayril 'Amal, Qadqa matis Salah (i.e. Er wird traditionell in arabischer Sprache fünfmal täglich zum Aufruf des gemeinschaftlichen Gebets durch den Muezzin gerufen sowie zum Freitagsgebet. Here is an English translation of the Adhan, including some differences according to different Islamic sects ( Sunni & Shia ), Adhan Urdu/Englihs/Arbic Translation. The Adhan is called aloud while the Iqamah is recited in a low tone. 1) The Prophet of Allah has said, "I went to paradise and saw domes of pearl and its dirt is of musk."

In between the Adhan & Iqamah one may make one sijdah ,sit & recite recite this dua (also after adhan). You can find and learn Duas for everything you do in your daily life. The difference between iqamah and adhan is that during iqamah, after saying haya 'alal falaah, you say qad qaama tis-salaah (the prayer has begun). Then, say the prayer quickly to lead into your prayer.

Saying the Azaan holds great benefits and reward as mentioned in the Ahadith. According to Hadith from Al Bukhari we find the dua after hearing adhan: The beautiful adhan, a call for all Muslims to come together and join in prayer.

It is recommended to deliver the Adhan from a high place like a minaret. The one who delivers the Azan should be honest, he should have a nice voice, and be knowledgeable of the times of the prayers. A second call, known as iqama, then summons Muslims to line up for the beginning of the prayers. The Arabic word adhan means "to listen." Re: Adhan script in arabic and english:o oops 4got to mention couldnt add I'raabs coz don have Arabic keyboard & 4 sum reason wen i use symbol wenever i post it it goes upside down Anyway thats lyk i guess If i were u i'll stick with brother Uthmaan bin Afan's link 2x اشهد ان لا اله الا الله Ash-hadu alla ilaha illallah I bear witness that there is no lord except God . The ritual serves as a general statement of shared belief and faith for Muslims, as well as an alert that prayers are about to begin inside the mosque.

2x حي على الصلاة Hayya ‘alas-salat Make haste towards prayer Generally, the iqama is given more quickly and in a more monotonous fashion, compared to the adhan, as it is addressed to those already in the mosque rather than a reminder for those outside it to come to the mosque. “Come to success.” Follow the pace set by the muezzin (Mu'adhdhin) if you're in a mosque. When the Prayer is about to commence, Iqamah is recited. Some people say this once, others say this twice. We here this exactly 5 times every day or 1825 times a year. 2x اشهد ان محمدا رسول الله Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God .