Looters shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they ransacked shops in Stuttgart on Saturday night and most of those arrested came from a ‘migrant background’, it has emerged. In 2011, I spoke at a rally for freedom in Stuttgart, while Antifa fascists threw bottles, manure, rocks and more at those of us who were on the stage.

Looters shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as they ransacked shops in Stuttgart on Saturday night and most of those arrested came from a 'migrant background', it has emerged. Youtube) Sidste weekend opstod der optøjer i Stuttgart, og vanen tro forsøger medierne at nedtone det etniske aspekt. Riot and Loot in Stuttgart, Germany (VIDEO). In 2011, I spoke at a rally for freedom in Stuttgart, while Antifa fascists threw bottles, manure, rocks and more at those of us who were on the stage. Rioters attacked police with stones and bottles and even targeted paramedics who were trying to help an injured person, officials said after clashes over a drugs arrest escalated into the city’s worst-ever night of rioting. Juni 2020: Nach einer Drogenkontrolle eines 17-Jährigen rotten sich sofort 300 Jugendliche zusammen und attackieren Polizisten. 500 Randalierer machen die Stadt zum Schlachtfeld!

I took the opportunity to tell them that they… “We can rule out left-wing political or any political motivation for these acts of violence,” Stuttgart police chief Frank Lutz concluded. I took the opportunity to tell them that they… Despite mobs yelling “Allahu Akbar,” the infamous Muslim war cry, local authorities are silent about the nature of the rampage. Rioters attacked police with stones and bottles and even targeted paramedics who were trying to help an injured person, officials said after clashes over a drugs arrest escalated into the city’s worst-ever night of rioting. Eine Spur der Verwüstung mitten durch die Innenstadt von Stuttgart! „Allahu-Akbar-Rufe“ werden politisch ignoriert! In der Nacht vom 20. auf den 21. Yobs attacked police with stones and bottles after a German teenager was arrested for a drugs offence in clashes which quickly escalated into the city's worst-ever night of rioting. Looters shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they ransacked shops in Stuttgart on Saturday night and most of those arrested came from a ‘migrant background’, it has emerged. Sie werfen mit Flaschen und Pflastersteinen. “A 40-men team has been set up at the Stuttgart police headquarters. Allahu Akbar Germany: Hundreds of Youths Shouting Allahu Akbar! Stuttgart, 20. juni 2020; Foto: Bild Zeitung, se evt. Den tidligere WDR-journalist Horst Kläuser kritiserer denne her ‘Angst vor dem M-Wort’, der blot minimerer tiltroen til …